Environmental Sustainability

Waste Management

  • Our sustainability goal...

    Create awareness, transperancy & education about the materials we consume across our value chain.

  • Consumption of materials is an inevitable aspect of the production process. Understanding what we use and how it impacts the world around us, seeking better alternatives, reducing what we consume and recycling or re-using these materials is critical to reducing our environmental footprint. 

    The key input in our pearling activities is the Pinctada maxima oyster, which live and grow in the South Seas. The Company has two established hatcheries in North Bali and Lembata, for the purpose of breeding and managing our oyster population. As a result, the company does not require oysters extracted from the wild for the production of our pearls. 

Impact Projects

  • Pyrolysis Machine

    The Company has invested in a trial pyrolysis machine at our Alyui Bay site. This machine processes used soft and hard plastics, converting it into fuel along with a carbon residue. The fuel produced is then used to power our vessels whilst the carbon residue is mixed with compost to create a planting media. 

    Future opportunities exist to offer a community-based exchange where local villagers can provide recyclable materials to be converted into fuel for their use.  

    This project supports the following UNITED NATIONS Sustainable Development Goals:

    11. Sustainable cities and communities
    12. Responsible consumption & production
    14. Life below water
    15. Life on land
    17. Partnerships for the goals

  • Building materials

    In 2018 our Alyui farm operation made the decision to stop sending plastic to landfill with the goal of effectively managing

    the re-use and or recycling of this material on-site.

    The acquisition of a plastic shredding and extruder machines has allowed us to process high-density polyethylene (HDPE) into building materials.

    The plastic is shredded, washed and dried before being placed into a second machine that melts and extrudes the material into a mould to create beams that can be used to build furniture and infrastructure.

    This project supports the following UNITED NATIONS Sustainable Development Goals:

    11. Sustainable cities and communities
    12. Responsible consumption & production
    14. Life below water
    15. Life on land
    17. Partnerships for the goals