Environmental Sustainability


  • Our sustainability goal...

    Protect, rehabilitate & conserve all aspects of the environments we operate within.

  • Whether on land or underwater, protecting and conserving local environments ensures that the delicate balance within the ecosystem is maintained and encouraged to thrive.

    Our Banyu Biru site in East Java operates within the Alas Purwo National Park, a key biodiversity hotspot in the region. Other sites, such as Lembata, West Lembata, and Alor, are on the coast, with operations extending into and on the sea, which fall within marine protected areas. It is critical that we manage our impact on each environment and minimise the risk associated with endangered or threatened species. 

    Each farm location boasts its own unique environment and features individual challenges and needs, calling for a bespoke approach to our projects and programs. From bee repopulation in North Bali to mangrove restoration on Pungu Island and protecting the turtle population in Lembata, these projects often combine donations of materials and labour, education, and long-term engagement with different programs to ensure successful outcomes.

Impact Projects

  • Turtle Protection

    The beaches of Loang are a popular nesting area for sea turtles, which sadly makes them an easy target, traditionally hunted as a food source, both the turtle and their eggs are extremely vulnerable.

    Local organisation Sahabat Penyu Loang, works to educate the villages of Loang about the importance of sea turtles and the myths surrounding their consumption. Along with educating, their team of volunteers patrol the beaches every night protecting

    egg-laying turtles and their eggs from poachers. The volunteers then retrieve the eggs and re-bury them at their hatchery where they are protected until hatching.

    Upon hatching the baby turtles make their journey down to the sea through a special turtle doorway where they can access and enter the ocean unobstructed.

    The Company has utilised their turtle education to ensure our Loang site team understand the importance of this animal and it’s protection. We have donated materials to assist the organisation in building studier hatcheries and our security patrol teams identify egg laying turtles during their night patrols and protect the eggs until they can be collected to be re-located to the hatchery.

    To find out more about this organisation visit: facebook.com/SahabatPenyuLoang

    This project supports the following UNITED NATIONS Sustainable Development Goals:

    13. Climate Action
    14. Life Below Water
    17. Partnerships for the Goals

  • Mangrove Rehabilitation

    Mangrove habitat restoration projects focus on re-building areas of mangroves on or around our farm sites. Re-building these areas through planting and on-going maintenance helps to reduce erosion and return the habitat to its natural state. 

    These mangroves now stand as crucial habitats for a diverse range of marine life, playing a key role in restoring the ecosystem, ultimately contribute to sequestering carbon from the atmosphere.

    Our mangrove habitat restoration has occurred on two sites and we are currently considering more restoration opportunities. 

    Beyond these ecological benefits, the local community welcomes the positive changes, embracing the improved surroundings and recognising the value in a healthier environment. 

    This project supports the following UNITED NATIONS Sustainable Development Goals:

    13. Climate Action
    15. Life on Land

    This project is monitored as part of our ESG reporting framework.

  • Bee Re-population

    Bees are vital to our ecosystem due to their essential role in plant pollination. Unfortunately, the bee population has been declining in areas such as North Bali due to factors like global warming, pesticide use, and land development.

    Ratu Lebah Lestari, a non-profit youth group, collaborates with bee farmers to support bee conservation efforts. PT. Cendana Indopearls (Atlas Pearls Ltd.) is participating in this initiative, working to provide bee hives at our North Bali site.

    Started in 2018, the first honey was harvested in 2021 followed by a second harvesting in 2023. The honey is then sold and provides economic support.

    This project supports the following UNITED NATIONS Sustainable Development Goals:

    8. Decent Work & Economic Growth
    13. Climate Action
    15. Life on Land
    17. Partnerships for the Goals