Our approach to Sustainability

  • Our sustainability framework integrates our CSR goals, philosophies and values with the quantifiable approach of ESG reporting. 

    Click here to download our FY24 Sustainability update in English >

    Click here to download our FY24 Sustainability update in Bahasa >

  • Atlas Pearls has a longstanding commitment through our sustainability programs to support local communities and maintain strong relationships with all of our stakeholders. Building on our existing sustainability efforts with the aim of improving transparency and monitoring our operational impacts on the environment and local communities we have established formal sustainability management and reporting processes. 

    To achieve this we undertook a process of engagement with internal and external stakeholders to understand the topics of importance and relevance to our business. Through this process, we identified several key Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics of priority to our stakeholders. These topics helped form the foundation and structure of our sustainability program moving forward and provide clear topics for data collection and reporting into the future. 

  • Our Environment Vision

    Protect and enhance the environments we work within for future generations.

  • Our Social Vision

    Building, caring & respecting the people, communities & cultures we operate within.

  • Our Governance Vision

    Business operations & processes that are ethical, lawful, transparent & fair.

  • Environment Goals

    GOAL 1.
    Protect, rehabilitate and conserve all aspects of the environments we operate within.

    GOAL 2. Implement innovative ideas and technology to continually improve the way we operate our business to reduce our impact.

    GOAL 3. Create awareness, transparency and education about the materials we consume across our value chain.

  • Social Goals

    GOAL 1.
    Enable access to meaningful education and training for employees and local communities.

    GOAL 2. Ensuring fair and equitable employment, diversity, working conditions, and human rights.

    GOAL 3. Prioritise the safety and health of our people, their families and the communities we work within. 

    GOAL 4. Support and preserve indigenous culture, language and way of life.

  • Governance Goals

    GOAL 1.
    Abiding by and respecting the local laws, regulations and processes. 

    GOAL 2. Identifying, managing  and minimising business risks to protect the people, the environment and the business.

    GOAL 3. Maximising the success of what we do through stakeholder engagement.

  • Environment Impact Projects

    • Beach Cleans
    • Bee Colony rehabilitation
    • Mangrove planting
    • Iron wood planting
    • Turtle protection
    • Marine protection
    • Bricks from recycled materials
    • Pyrolysis
    • Plastic to Planks project
  • Social Impact Projects

    • Mutiara Kids English program
    • Atlas Pearls English Course
    • Perfect Fit - period project
    • Supporting local economy
    • Community food donations
    • Cultural preservation - weaving
    • Cultural preservation - language
    • Maternal health 
    • Elderly health
  • Governance Impact Projects

    • International tax agreement
    • Anti Corruption & Bribery policy
    • Corporate Governance
    • Employment opportunities
    • Employment standards
    • Meeting legal and regulatory requirements
    • Supporting local economy