Meet the Board

  • José Martins


    BAcc, GAICD

    José is a highly regarded finance executive with over 25 years’ experience in the management of public and private companies. He has previously held CFO roles with Macmahon Holdings Limited, Ausdrill Limited (now part of Perenti), and Alliance Mining Commodities Limited. 

    José qualified as a Chartered Accountant in South Africa, and holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (with distinction) from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. 

    APPOINTMENTSDirector - 17/05/2023

    Directorships of other listed companies held in the last three years: GenusPlus Group Limited (Non-Executive Director appointed 03/01/2018)

  • Timothy (Tim) Martin



    Tim has been an executive manager at Coogee Chemicals Pty Ltd since 2005. He held the position of Managing Director from 2012 - 2015, and was appointed Executive Chairman in July 2015. 

    Prior to working at Coogee, Tim worked in management roles within the packaged food manufacturing sector, supplying to national supermarket chains, and has ongoing interests in commercial property development. 

    In 2013, Tim graduated from Harvard University completing their OPM (Owner/President Management) Program. 

    Tim is a former Director of Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association (PACIA) and a former Director of the Kwinana Industries Council.   

    APPOINTMENTS: Director - 04/02/2013

    Directorships of other listed companies held in the last three years: Nil

  • Cadell Buss



    Cadell is a multi-industry senior executive with over 20 years’ experience locally and internationally in marketing, project development, and equity capital markets.

    Cadell was the CEO of Western Australia’s longest serving stockbroking firm, DJ Carmichael, and has consulted to a number of ASX listed companies with African-based assets. Cadell was previously Project and Finance Director with Luso Global Mining, an angel investor to African-based mining and exploration companies. Cadell is also the founder and Managing Director of Chilwa Minerals Limited (ASX: CHW). 

    Cadell has a Masters degree in Project Management, an MBA from Murdoch University, Perth, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

    APPOINTMENTS: Director - 01/02/2018

    Directorships of other listed companies held in the last three years:
    Chilwa Minerals Limited (Managing Director appointed 01/02/2022)